Board & Volunteers


The board of the World Child Care Foundation consists of five people, who each give shape and content to the organization with their own expertise and motivation:

Lucas Harms - Chairman
Lucas is a retired doctor. He is the chairman of the foundation and the point of contact for policy. Lucas leads the meetings and, together with Nico, maintains contact with the external partners. He is also actively looking for new project partners.

Nico Schoenmakers - Secretary
Nico was a teacher of visual arts and communication manager at a secondary school for many years. He currently lives in France with his wife and rents out holiday apartments. He is responsible for the foundation's operational affairs and external communication. He visits the project twice a year and maintains local contacts. He writes sponsor requests and reports for the partners.

Camiel van der Heiden - Treasurer
In daily life, Camiel is a project and environment manager at a large contracting company. He manages the foundation's financing flows and prepares the financial reports. He supports the foundation with his technical knowledge, helps set up sponsorship campaigns and gives presentations.
Frederique Schoenmakers - Board member
Frederique is a professional storyteller. She assists in helping out for the foundation. On behalf of the foundation, she maintains close contact with the people who sponsor a child. She also collects news and information about Myanmar for the board.
Laura van de Wiel - Board member
Laura completed an internship in Myanmar for three months in 2016 and is now a teacher in primary education. She advises the board on educational matters, the child sponsorship program and helps students realize internships in Myanmar.


The World Child Care Foundation also has some committed volunteers. They advise the board and help where possible. The volunteers are:

Joke Huisintveld - Volunteer
Joke is a creative therapist and she visits the project in Myanmar every year for a period of two months. She undertakes all kinds of creative activities with the children and provides creative modules in our Briging program for the young people who have finished high school.
Miriam Spijkers - Volunteer
Miriam was for years the principal of a primary school and advises the board on educational matters at PDO High School. With her extensive network, she creates opportunities for sponsorship campaigns at schools and in collaboration with churches.
Annemarie Straatsma - Volunteer
Annemarie is an NT2 teacher for non-native speakers and status holders. She has good contact with Fontys Pabo. She is involved in exchange projects for students who want to teach in Myanmar for a while.